Wladimir Ruiz: PhD student working on the characterization (speciation) of bio-oil components
Wladimir Ruiz is a PhD student at UPPA. After studying chemistry at the Central University of Venezuela (Universidad Central de Venezuela), he is currently conducting research in analytical chemistry related to biofuels. He tells us about his work, his first memory of science and much more.

Wladimir Ruiz
[ISIFoR] What is your first memory of science?
My first memory of science is related to my school. When with my classmates we asked ourselves at school things as simple as why colors are the way they are and why the moon has different shapes depending on when it is observed. Thanks to science subjects, everyday phenomena began to have a fundamental explanation. I think this motivated me to have more empathy for these subjects.
[ISIFoR] What are you working on at the moment, can you tell us some details on the Spelbio (project funded by Carnot ISIFoR in 2020) projet ?
I am working on the speciation of biooils and bio-based feedstocks used to obtain biofuels. In this study, (1) inorganic caracerization techniques are used, to see metals or heterocompounds that may affect the production processes and performance of biofuels, and (2) organic characteriztion is used, for the chemical matrix of said samples, which can be quite complex.
[ISIFoR] What is your background?
I obtained my Chemist degree in my country, at the Central University of Venezuela. My professional level is equivalent to an M2 degree here in France. In my undergraduate studies I worked on obtaining modified SiO2@FexOy nanoparticles, from rice husk biomass, that would not only work as adsorbents but also have magnetic activity. I am currently doing my doctoral studies in analytical chemistry at UPPA under the supervision of Professor Brice Bouyssiere.
[ISIFoR] What scientific progress/discovery makes you dream?
Since I was a child, when I saw the emission of gases from buses, I have always had in mind that there should be a device at the exit of the exhaust pipe capable of capturing and compressing greenhouse gases. Now I understand that CO2 capturers already exist at an industrial level, although these are not a definitive solution, an advanced technology lof these ones would greatly help the world during the transition process to cleaner energy sources and to the awareness of society in the responsible use of this energy.
Contact – Wladimir.ruiz@univ-pau.fr